The OpenAI GPT-40 model is here, and one of the main questions is, "What can I use this for?" Today, we'll be looking at all the different use cases that OpenAI has shown us, as well as what the internet has come up with so far. If you want to learn about the details of this announcement, what it includes, and how it works, I created a separate video on that, which I'll link on the screen right now. But with that being said, let's get into some of the first use cases, starting out with their announcement blog post. I'll be adding in various use cases that I found across the internet in between some of these, but this is a great place to start because they created a batch of videos showing off different things that you can do with it. I'll just be giving you quick summaries and my take. You can watch all of these by yourself in full length if you so desire—links below.

But hold up, it doesn't even end there because a lot of people are viewing this channel, and all of us are AI users. Some of us are AI power users, and I was just wondering, wouldn't it be amazing to find out what everybody that is watching this video actually uses this for? So, we're doing a brand new thing where we issue a challenge and then have a public space where you can review all the people's submissions to the challenge. The challenge is all about finding GPT-40 use cases that work for you. Stick around because, at the end of the video, I'll give you more details and tell you exactly how to participate and how to view what other people have been doing with GPT-40.

Sam Altman's Surprising Use Case

Let's actually start with a clip that came out in the recent hours. It's an interview of Sam Altman, and he was asked the following question. Now, check out his answer, which hints at something that all of us might be doing in a few weeks:

"Are there use cases that you've gravitated to?"

"One surprising is putting my phone on the table while I'm really in the zone of working and then, without having to change windows or what I'm doing, using it just like another channel. So, I'm working on something I would normally stop what I'm doing, switch to another tab, Google something, click around or whatever, but while I'm still doing it, I just ask and get an instant response without changing from what I was looking at on my computer. That's been a surprisingly cool thing."

This use case highlights the human-like characteristics of GPT-40, showing its capability to be an AI companion. The voice is so human-like that people across Twitter have been jokingly complaining that it's more like a flirty girlfriend than an assistant. This new version of GPT-40 doesn't just express emotion but also understands emotion from the phone's camera. While this might not be practical for everyone, some of these other use cases definitely are.

Multiple Personas and Conversations

In another example, Greg Brockman uses two phones with two GPT-40s talking to each other. This showcases a capability that we already had in GPT-4 but has now been upgraded to the next level. You can set up multiple personas to talk to each other, simulating various conversations. This could be useful for preparing for debates or arguments by playing them out between two phones. It's amazing but also kind of freaky, right?

Voice Modulation and Professional Applications

The app can also modulate its voice to sound like a robot, as shown in the demo. This hints at the fact that your AI assistant will soon be able to filter its voice, much like a soundboard. While some of these use cases might seem like toys, they have serious professional applications. For instance, one top comment on my latest YouTube video suggested use cases like melanoma detection, retina exams, and pulmonary distress analysis. These are speculative but clearly capture the imagination of many people.

Enhanced Technical Capabilities

The GPT-40 model performs better on almost all benchmarks compared to other top AI models, including upgrades to vision and the code interpreter. You can upload files like Excel sheets and have GPT-40 analyze them, perform deep technical and statistical analysis, and generate charts and visualizations. This is a simple prompt that you could reapply to your own charts and get results immediately.

Analyzing Complex Data Sets

One fascinating use case from the AI Advantage Community involved analyzing the conflict between Drake and Kendrick. A member uploaded two CSV files with different events and Google Trends data. GPT-40 was able to compile this into visualizations, reconstructing a timeline from scattered events and adding further context using web browsing tools. This interaction shows how you can prompt GPT-40 to make sense of complex data sets and create useful visualizations.

Interview Preparation and Emotional Awareness

Another interesting use case involves interview preparation. GPT-40 can pick up on emotional cues and provide empathetic responses. For example, if you're wearing an inappropriate hat for a job interview, GPT-40 might say:

"That's quite a statement piece. I mean, you'll definitely stand out, though maybe not in the way you're hoping for an interview."

This display of emotional awareness is impressive and can be incredibly useful in various scenarios.

Game Hosting and Meeting Facilitation

GPT-40 can also act as a game host or facilitate meetings. It can direct conversations, summarize meetings, and even play games like rock-paper-scissors or Dungeons and Dragons. While the context length might be a limitation for longer meetings, this capability is rolling out over the next few weeks.

Educational Applications

One of the most groundbreaking use cases is in education. GPT-40 can guide you through problems step-by-step, much like a human tutor. This can be incredibly beneficial for students struggling in school, providing an alternative to failing classes. While it might not replace human teachers, it can be a fantastic addition to the educational system.

Sarcasm and Multimodal Capabilities

GPT-40 can now pick up on and use sarcasm, thanks to its natively multimodal capabilities. This means it can transcribe voice to text, process the text, and turn it back into voice all in one step. This capability opens up new possibilities for more natural and human-like interactions.

Accessibility Features

GPT-40's vision capabilities can help people with no eyesight by describing their surroundings in real-time. This can be transformative for people with visual impairments, providing them with a second set of eyes. It can even help parents keep an eye on their kids for a few seconds, although this use case might require further testing.

Customer Support and Business Applications

GPT-40 can act as a customer support representative, handling tasks and integrating with other tools. While this capability is still in its early stages, it hints at the future of AI in customer support and business applications.

Development and Coding

Developers can integrate GPT-40 into AI-powered IDEs, making it easier to write and test code. The coding abilities are improved, and developers can create complex applications with simple prompts. This opens up new possibilities for rapid development and innovation.

Text-to-Font and Character Consistency

GPT-40 can generate consistent text and characters, allowing you to create fonts, logos, and other visual elements with ease. This capability is particularly useful for designers and content creators.

3D Object Synthesis

One unexpected capability is 3D object synthesis. GPT-40 can generate multiple views of an object from a simple prompt, allowing you to reconstruct 3D models. This is just the beginning of its 3D capabilities, and we can expect rapid advancements in this area.